Workforce Service - Ohio Manufacturers' Association
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    Please complete to download the Automation & Robotics Toolkit.

    Toolkit Standardizes Entry-Level Hiring, Onboarding

    The Entry-Level Learn-and-Earn (ELLE) toolkit is designed to make it easier for manufacturers to hire and onboard entry-level employees who have no prior manufacturing experience. The toolkit outlines a step-by-step process to help Industry Sector Partnerships and their manufacturing partners execute a systematic process intended to result in a higher percentage of successfully retained employees. The ELLE process covers all phases of the hiring process, including recruiting, pre-screening, pre-employment training, job placement and on-the-job support. Get in touch with your Regional Industry Sector Partnership for assistance.


    Skills Commons

    OMA has partnered with California State University SkillsCommons to provide easy access to high-quality FREE and OPEN training resources for Ohio manufacturers and their workforce partners!


    2021 OMA Workforce Roadmap 
    Manufacturing Industry Sector Partnership Directory 

    Tools for Sector Partnership Launch

    Industry Sector Partnerships: What They Are and Why They Work  

    Sector Partnership Self-Assessment: Launch Phase 

    Sector Partnership Launch Tasks 

    Industry Champion Definition 

    Peer-to-Peer Recruitment Script 

    Occupational Demand Worksheet 

    Sample Agenda – Regional Employer Meeting 

    Tools for Sector Partnership Implementation

    Sector Partnership Self-Assessment: Implementation & Execution Phase 

    Sample Implementation Structure 

    Priority Action Plan Template 

    Sector Partnership Opportunity Scan 

    Sector Partnership Funding Priorities 

    Tools for Earn-and-Learn Programs

    Innovative Earn-and-Learn Strategies for Building Ohio’s Manufacturing Workforce 
    About Innovative Earn-and-Learn Strategies 
    About Nationally Portable Manufacturing Credentials 
    Company Earn-and-Learn Identification Form 

    Become an OMA-Endorsed Sector Partnership

    Sector Partnership Endorsement Application 
    Sector Partnership Endorsement Application – Renewal 

    How-To Guides

    The Making Ohio Brand: a How-To Guide 
    Recruiting the 21st Century Workforce: A Campaign Guide 
    Ohio’s Manufacturing Mentorship Program