Manufacturers Vote 2022

Solid voter turnout is expected across Ohio on Election Day, Nov. 8. Polls will be open 6:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. As a reminder, Nov. 7 is the deadline for absentee ballot postmarks and the last day for early in-person voting.

If you or your employees need Ohio-specific voting resources — including polling place information — check out the Ohio Manufacturers’ Voter Toolkit. To learn about the candidates — or for insight on Ohio’s newly drawn legislative and congressional districts — see the OMA’s Ohio Election Guide.

Next week, the OMA will produce a post-election report, summarizing the results from Ohio’s key races. Members of the Government Affairs Committee should watch their inbox for this document. (Email OMA staff to get engaged with this committee.) Also, more analysis will be provided at the Nov. 16 GAC meeting. Register now. 11/2/2022