Welcome to Indiana, a Right-to-Work State

OMA member Phillips Tube Group was spotlighted in a recent Wall Street Journal column describing Ohio’s competitive disadvantage due to neighboring states with right-to-work laws.

The column describes how Indiana passed right-to-work law a decade ago and has gained jobs from Ohio due to the Buckeye State’s comparative union friendliness.

The authors, a pair of researchers, empirically substantiate how states including Ohio are harming themselves by not enacting right-to-work law, especially in the critical manufacturing sector.

The OMA stands ready to work with policymakers to level the playing field. Unfortunately, the Republican-controlled Ohio House of Representatives is advancing House Bill 235 that will expand union rights, forcing certain manufacturers to hire union employees. Manufacturers are urged to contact their state legislators and ask them to vote “no” on HB 235 and instead enact needed right-to-work reforms. 4/21/2022