Action Alert: Contact Your State Senator Regarding Construction Prompt-Pay Mandate

Last year, the Ohio House passed House Bill 68 — legislation that would negatively impact the right of private businesses to freely negotiate construction contracts. Now the bill is being considered in the Ohio Senate.

Under HB 68, the government would set the payment terms in construction contracts, raising the possibility of a windfall funded in part by manufacturers. It would eliminate the right to negotiate payment terms, and instead require all construction contracts to be paid within 30 days. It would also establish exorbitant penalties, imposing an 18% annual interest rate on payments not made within 30 days.

Despite vocal opposition from the business community, the House passed HB 68 last year. Senators need to hear from employers in their districts. Contact your state senator and ask him/her to vote “no” on HB 68. 5/25/2022