June 7, 2013
Homepage » Communities » Energy Management » OMA Energy Group Weekly Briefing » PUCO Actions/Cases » DP&L » Energy Efficiency/Peak Demand Reduction (“EE/PDR”) Portfolio Plan Case (Case No. 13-833-EL-POR) » June 7, 2013
Update: This week, OMAEG Counsel drafted a settlement proposal which it will submit to DP&L today. The settlement proposal provides as follows:
- The OMA Energy Group (“OMAEG”) appreciates DP&L’s commitment to energy efficiency and its continued achievements. The OMAEG is committed to continuing to work with DP&L on improving its portfolio plan. Accordingly, the OMAEG proposes the following modifications and/or additions to DP&L’s proposed settlement Stipulation, provided to intervening parties on May 21, 2013 at the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio (“PUCO”). The OMAEG seeks $130,000 for the following four proposals:
- PJM Bidding: The OMAEG supports the continued bidding of all eligible energy efficiency resources into the annual Base Residual Auctions (“BRA”). Bid amounts should include 90% of the eligible savings from DP&L’s annual benchmark for approved program years, and 50% of DP&L’s annual benchmark for unapproved program years.
- Combined Heat and Power (CHP) Pilot Program: The OMAEG requests the creation of manufacturing program offerings specifically for CHP and low-cost/no-cost measures. DP&L’s current offerings for manufacturers are limited – custom measures, prescriptive lighting, IMM insulation, etc. Broadening offerings for more specific technologies and project types would likely increase manufacturer participation. Because residential efficiency offerings are robust, the OMAEG requests that at least fifty percent (50%) of the pilot program budget be earmarked for manufacturing-specific programs, measures, or technologies.
- Education Funding: DP&L shall work with the OMAEG to communicate energy efficiency programs to manufacturers. To assist in the development of comprehensive communication tools and strategies to promote DP&L’s energy efficiency/peak demand reduction (EE/PDR) programs with its members and assist in their participation, DP&L shall provide the OMAEG $100,000 annually for the term of DP&L’s program portfolio. To the extent the OMAEG is able to assist DP&L in educating its members on DP&L’s programs and gain participation of the OMAEG’s members, it is expected that this funding will offset DP&L’s promotional costs.
- Innovative Manufacturing-Specific Efficiency Programs: The OMAEG will be investigating and studying several innovative industrial efficiency programs and measures in order to mature these ideas to the pilot program stage. Thus, the OMAEG requests that DP&L provide $30,000 of funding towards cost sharing research with the OMAEG.
The OMAEG is working with John Seryak of Go Sustainable Energy in order to compose comments and objections to DP&L’s plan, which are due by June 18, 2013.