

Insider Information on Ohio's Manufacturing Workforce 

Workforce development has always been of vital importance to manufacturers. That’s why the OMA’s Workforce Management Community helps keep members updated on manufacturing workforce trends and developments.

As part of its mission to protect and grow Ohio manufacturing, the OMA and its vast network of partners are growing the manufacturing talent pool. Get the latest updates and other important workforce-related information by becoming an OMA member today.

Workforce News and Analysis
February 7, 2025

The Ohio Manufacturers’ Association has named Lauren Massie as the new Director of Workforce Services.

In this role, Lauren will work closely with employers and education and workforce partners to advance the OMA’s workforce strategy, strengthen the state’s manufacturing talent pipeline, and further align education with industry needs.

Lauren brings more than 20 years of experience in education and workforce development, including leadership roles at Central Ohio Technical College, Licking County Career and Technical Center, Ohio Department of Education and Workforce, and Ohio Department of Higher Education. She holds two undergraduate degrees from The Ohio State University and a master’s degree from the University of Cincinnati. 2/5/2025

February 7, 2025

Governor Mike DeWine’s proposed FY 2026-2027 Executive Budget, released this week, contains significant investments in workforce development to strengthen Ohio’s talent pipeline. The budget includes nearly $60 million in new competitive grants to Tech Prep Regional Centers to expand career-technical education and increase high school student access to college credit opportunities.

The budget proposes to allocate $32 million for industry-recognized credentials for high school students and $10 million for the Industry Partnership Grant to support business-education collaborations. The TechCred program, which helps employers offset upskilling costs, has been suggested to receive over $50 million in funding.

“Our executive budget is all about investing in Ohio’s greatest asset, our people,” said Governor DeWine.

OMA staff are still analyzing the proposed budget and will have deeper analysis on OMA priorities coming soon. Visit to learn more about the proposed 2026-2027 budget. 2/5/2025

January 31, 2025

Ohio Governor Mike DeWine announced 35 workforce partnerships will receive a total of $5.1 million through the Industry Sector Partnership (ISP) Grant. This program supports local and industry-led partnerships to connect Ohioans to the workforce while addressing the needs of employers and the economy.

Industry Sector Partnerships create regional workforce strategies by fostering collaboration among local businesses, education and training providers, and community stakeholders.

“The best way to ensure a community thrives is by investing in its people,” said Governor DeWine. View the full news release, and to learn more about the ISP grant, visit 1/28/2024

January 24, 2025

The first full week of May marks In-Demand Jobs Week, a statewide celebration of Ohio’s top industries, skills, and career opportunities. Manufacturers across the state host events to spark interest and raise awareness about rewarding careers in manufacturing among students and job seekers.

To support your efforts, MakingOhio, OMA’s youth-focused initiative, offers a free planning guide. This resource includes tips on getting started, understanding your audience, participation ideas, and measuring success.

Download the guide at and start preparing in February to make the most of In-Demand Jobs Week. 1/22/2024

January 24, 2025

By 2033, manufacturers must fill 3.8 million jobs, yet a growing skills gap puts half of those positions at risk. To address this challenge, manufacturers need to connect with students early, starting as young as 4th grade, as they will graduate in 2033.

The Manufacturing Institute has developed The Quest for the Crystal of Innovation (Innovators Quest), a gamified experience for students in grades 4-9. This interactive experience introduces key manufacturing concepts through fun, hands-on activities, helping manufacturers build awareness and excitement about manufacturing careers.

Learn how Innovators Quest can boost your company’s community engagement and talent pipeline during a virtual informational session on January 31 at 11 a.m. EST. For questions, contact 1/22/2024

January 17, 2025

Ohio manufacturers were highlighted in a two-part PBS News Hour series examining workforce challenges and opportunities as the U.S. enters a manufacturing renaissance.

Part one focuses on how colleges are training the next generation of manufacturing workers. Part two features insights from industry leaders, including OMA president Ryan Augsburger, on addressing the growing demand for skilled workers and how manufacturers are finding new ways to hire and attract talent. 1/9/2024

January 10, 2025

Battelle Education, in partnership with Ohio STEM Learning Network and the Ohio Department of Education and Workforce, is funding up to $1.85 million for 10 Ohio public schools to create or expand programs that prepare high school students for manufacturing careers. Eligible programs focus on hands-on training, industry-recognized credentials, and classroom instruction aligned with industry needs.

To be considered, schools must submit a proposal that includes an industry partner, making manufacturers essential collaborators. By partnering, manufacturers can ensure students in these programs are gaining the skills needed for in-demand manufacturing roles.

An informational session will be held virtually on Jan. 13. Proposals are due Feb. 3. Learn more or contact Stephanie Johnson. 1/9/2024

January 10, 2025

The Governor’s Office of Workforce Transformation announced last week that the application period is now open for Ohio’s High School Tech Internship Program. The program helps businesses connect with high school students for technology-focused internships. Employers hosting interns through the program can receive wage reimbursements of up to 75%, capped at $5,000 per intern.

Regional intermediaries have been established to assist employers and schools with the application process. Review guidelines or learn more on the Internship Program page.1/9/2024

December 20, 2024

The Ohio Department of Job and Family Services last week announced $1.2 million in grant funding for Ohio employers to utilize in creating new apprenticeship and pre-apprenticeship programs. These competitive grants focus on in-demand sectors including manufacturing, broadband, and semiconductors.

Ohio is a national leader in apprenticeship programs – ranked third in the U.S. and first in the Midwest for number of apprentices. These programs help employers access and train workers for the specific jobs they need filled, while allowing participants to learn while earning a wage and gaining on-the-job experience.

To learn more and apply, visit The application portal opened Dec. 13, and awardees will be announced by Feb. 15, 2025. 12/18/2024

December 13, 2024

The OMA yesterday released the Q4 edition of its Workforce Briefing, the second installment of this new quarterly publication. The briefing keeps the Ohio manufacturing workforce ecosystem informed and aligned, providing updates for and from manufacturers, as well as state agencies, economic development organizations, K-12, career-tech, higher education, and workforce development partners. It highlights progress, key challenges, and engagement opportunities to strengthen manufacturers’ competitiveness and create career pathways for Ohioans.

Share this resource with your organization and peers. For anyone interested in receiving future quarterly editions, opt in to the OMA Workforce Community. 12/12/2024

December 13, 2024

The Ohio Department of Development’s Export Internship Program connects small to medium-sized manufacturers looking to grow in international markets with college students seeking experience – reimbursing 50% of intern wages. Participating companies must demonstrate a commitment to exports, provide managerial guidance, and ensure the intern’s workload focuses on export-related tasks.

The application portal for the 2025 program is open now. For more information, contact Wendi Howell, Ohio Export Internship Program Manager. 12/12/2024

December 6, 2024

The OMA this week reconstituted its Statewide Alignment Committee to address pressing workforce challenges in the manufacturing sector. The committee includes key leaders from industry and state agencies, including K-12, career-tech, higher education, and workforce development organizations.

This committee provides a platform for unified approaches to manufacturing workforce priorities, updates on advocacy and resources, and the coordination of statewide efforts. By collaboratively supporting initiatives such as the Ohio Manufacturing Competency Model, JobsOhio, TechCred, and the Auto and Advanced Mobility Workforce Strategy, the committee strengthens Ohio manufacturers competitiveness in addressing workforce needs. 12/4/2024

December 6, 2024

The Governor’s Office of Workforce Transformation announced the results of the Sep. 2024 TechCred application period, with 597 employers receiving funding to help Ohioans earn 7,421 tech-focused credentials. Among these, artificial intelligence credentials continue to gain momentum, with 1,300 awarded in this round. 62 Ohio schools also received funding to help educators develop their own AI-related skills.

The next TechCred application period opens Jan. 2, 2025, and closes Jan. 31, 2025, at 3:00 p.m. Learn more and submit your application at TechCred.Ohio.Gov. 12/5/2024

November 22, 2024

Last week, the OMA hosted the seventh annual Ohio Manufacturers’ Workforce Summit at the Greater Columbus Convention Center, drawing manufacturers, educators, workforce experts, and state leaders to discuss strategies for addressing Ohio’s workforce challenges.

Ohio Lt. Governor Jon Husted delivered the morning keynote, emphasizing Ohio’s leadership in manufacturing and workforce development.

“You can’t do ‘Made in America’ without ‘Made in Ohio,’” Husted said, highlighting efforts to align workforce skills with industry needs through career tech education and programs like TechCred.

Panels and presentations explored critical topics, including youth engagement, leveraging untapped talent pools, and integrating AI into manufacturing operations.

“It is our responsibility as manufacturers to invest in and plan for AI integration,” said Kurt Kroplin, plant leader for ScottsMiracle-Gro.

The event reinforced the importance of collaboration among manufacturers, educators, and state leaders to ensure Ohio remains a national leader in manufacturing talent development.

View the photo recap of the Summit and submit your feedback on what you’d like to see at next year’s Workforce Summit. 11/14/2024

November 15, 2024

The OMA led the project funding prioritization session for the Southwest Ohio Super Regionally Aligned Priorities in Delivering Skills, alongside the OMA-endorsed Advanced Manufacturing Industry Partnership.

The event connected manufacturers with regional colleges and universities to review their funding proposals for new manufacturing training equipment to enhance workforce training. Employers provided direct input to prioritize projects based on industry needs.

This approach ensures that educational institutions secure the equipment necessary to produce job-ready talent for Ohio manufacturers. 11/12/2024

November 15, 2024

Last week, Intel hosted the Semiconductor Education and Research Program event at Columbus State Community College, where Ohio colleges and universities shared updates on their Intel grant-funded projects. Presentations highlighted advancements in semiconductor education and workforce training.

Jessica Borza, OMA’s managing director of workforce services, presented updates on the Ohio Manufacturing Competency Model and its role in aligning all manufacturing-related education with industry needs, ensuring a steady pipeline of job-ready talent.11/12/2024

November 8, 2024

Appalachian Ohio received $8.2 million in new grants to build a stronger workforce through the Appalachian Regional Commission’s Partnerships for Opportunity and Workforce and Economic Revitalization Initiative.

Announced by Gov. DeWine and Lt. Gov. Husted last week, the funding prepares residents for manufacturing careers by supporting workforce training that meets immediate industry needs. A key focus of the initiative is to promote long-term economic revitalization in Appalachian communities impacted by the coal industry’s decline. 11/1/2024

November 8, 2024

Last week, America Makes launched AMJobs, a free, digital platform funded by the Ohio Department of Development, supporting growth in Ohio additive manufacturing.

Designed with input from educators and manufacturers, AMJobs provides tools for promoting additive manufacturing careers to youth and other prospective jobseekers. 11/1/2024

November 1, 2024

As Manufacturing Month comes to a close, OMA-endorsed Industry Sector Partnerships (ISPs) have played a strong role in highlighting manufacturing career pathways across Ohio.

The Stark County Manufacturing Workforce Development Partnership hosted student tours of regional manufacturers facilities, the Mahoning Valley Manufacturers Coalition partnered with the Columbiana County Port Authority for a manufacturing appreciation event, and MAGNET was featured in Industry Week.

View more ISP highlights from Manufacturing Month. 10/31/2024

October 18, 2024

Last week, The Ohio Auto and Advanced Mobility Workforce Strategy Steering Committee held its Q4 meeting at the Delaware Area Career Center.

Key achievements highlighted included over a thousand new manufacturing training slots created in underserved communities and more than 1,300 educational programs being reviewed for alignment with the Ohio Manufacturing Competency Model. Dozens of educational institutions have also submitted proposals through the Super Regionally Aligned Priorities in Delivering Skills initiative to advance manufacturing training equipment.

For additional details, access the Steering Committee’s presentation and the accompanying presentation guide. 10/11/2024

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