February 8, 2013
Update: On February 6, 2013, the OMAEG filed reply comments regarding the PUCO’s proposed net metering rules. Net metering enables non-utility energy generators to send excess generated power to the grid in exchange for banked energy credits. The OMAEG opposed AEP-Ohio’s proposed limit of defining an “excessive generator,” which, as proposed by AEP-Ohio, would be an impediment to manufacturers implementing distributed generation. The OMAEG supported its opposition by describing the yearly variation of energy consumption by manufacturers. Also, the OMAEG opposed FirstEnergy’s proposed cap of 500 kW in defining a “microturbine.” It is quite possible for manufacturers with combined heat and power (“CHP”) systems to have combustion-based generators or microturbines greater than 500 kW. The OMAEG will continue to monitor the PUCO’s rule review process and provide updates accordingly.