

Insider Information on Ohio's Manufacturing Workforce 

Workforce development has always been of vital importance to manufacturers. That’s why the OMA’s Workforce Management Community helps keep members updated on manufacturing workforce trends and developments.

As part of its mission to protect and grow Ohio manufacturing, the OMA and its vast network of partners are growing the manufacturing talent pool. Get the latest updates and other important workforce-related information by becoming an OMA member today.

Workforce News and Analysis
July 26, 2024

In a press release this week, OMA president Ryan Augsburger commended the leadership of Gov. DeWine and Lt. Gov. Husted for their commitment to developing a skilled workforce and applauded the recent TechCred milestone announced by the Ohio Governor’s Office of Workforce Transformation.

With over 100,000 credentials awarded, the TechCred program has played a key role in equipping Ohio workers with technology-focused skills and credentials, further enhancing the competitive edge of Ohio’s manufacturing sector.

For further details on the TechCred program or to participate, visit 7/22/2024

July 26, 2024

The DeRocco Fellows program, created to honor the legacy of Emily Stover DeRocco, former advocate for manufacturing education, prepares young women for leadership roles in manufacturing through mentorship, professional development, and community engagement.

The program is launching recruitment efforts for its inaugural class of DeRocco Fellows and is seeking manufacturers to both nominate participants as well as host fellows for the summer of 2025. Manufacturers interested in participating can learn more about nominating fellows and becoming a host at one of the upcoming informational webinars. 7/24/2024

July 19, 2024

Last week, leaders from across the state met at MAGNET in Cleveland for the Auto and Advanced Mobility Steering Committee meeting.

The agenda included several key developments, including:

  • $9.37M of funding deployed for training equipment and regional support
  • Updated user tools added to the Ohio Manufacturing Competency Model website
  • Launch of working group focused on training justice-impacted individuals for manufacturing careers
  • Launch of new partnership with the Ohio STEM Learning Network, expanding collaboration between industry and K-12 education

OMA members have multiple opportunities to engage with these initiatives, ranging from providing input on training needs and program decisions, to actively participating in developing new manufacturing curriculums. Members can also endorse the Ohio Manufacturing Competency Model and connecting with newly trained talent through the WorkAdvance program.

For more details or to get involved, please contact Jessica Borza, OMA’s Managing Director of Workforce Services. 7/17/2024

July 19, 2024

At this week’s 2024 All Ohio Conference in Columbus, hosted by the Ohio Association of Career and Technical Education, OMA staff presented on how the Ohio Manufacturing Competency Model is helping to ensure that educational training programs align with manufacturers’ needs.

The model, led by the OMA, the Governor’s Office of Workforce Transformation, and OhioTechNet, features tools designed to align school curriculums with the specific skills manufacturers require. Through the expanded use of the competency model and its tools, manufacturers can expect to hire well-prepared workers, ready to meet the industry’s current and future demands. 7/17/2024

July 12, 2024

This WorkAdvance success story highlights jobseeker Ben Smith’s transformation from overcoming substance abuse to thriving in a manufacturing career. Led statewide by the OMA and supported by the OMA-Endorsed Industry Sector Partnership (ISP) Network, the WorkAdvance program helps manufacturers access and retain skilled workers.

Read other WorkAdvance success stories from across Ohio and learn more about the program’s benefits for manufacturers via the WorkAdvance webpage. 7/10/2024

July 12, 2024

This recent article featured in Quality Digest highlights strategies employed by OMA members MAGNET and Ohio MEP through their America Works initiative. This initiative focuses on tapping into untapped talent populations to help alleviate the talent pool shortages currently facing manufacturers.

For Ohio manufacturers looking to explore these talent pools, this article, OMA’s Untapped Talent Training Series, and the MyOMA Untapped Talent Resources all offer actionable insights and best practices that can be integrated into recruitment strategies. 7/10/2024

June 27, 2024

Last week, the OMA’s Managing Director of Workforce Services, Jessica Borza, represented Ohio’s manufacturing sector on a panel at the 2024 SelectUSA Investment Summit in National Harbor, Maryland.

The summit highlighted the importance of continued engagement in global economic discussions to foster growth and investment opportunities. Moderated by the U.S. Department of Commerce, Borza discussed the Ohio systems and initiatives supporting current manufacturers and attracting future investments. 6/26/2024

June 27, 2024

This week, the Ohio Senate passed Senate Bill 198 which lowers barriers to employment for justice-impacted citizens by providing them with state ID cards and copies of vocational training or work records upon release.

The OMA previously provided testimony supporting the bill, highlighting how Senate Bill 198 addresses critical workforce needs by aiding in the reintegration of untapped talent pools into the labor market, essential for sustaining the growth of Ohio’s manufacturing sector. The bill will now move to the Ohio House of Representatives for further consideration. 6/26/2024

June 21, 2024

On Wednesday, Jessica Borza, Managing Director of Workforce Services at the OMA, served as a keynote speaker at the 2024 Economic Future Forum in Spokane, Washington.

The event, hosted by the International Economic Development Council, gathered economic development professionals from across the nation to discuss industry trends and share innovative strategies.

Borza highlighted the OMA-Endorsed Industry Sector Partnership Network and the Ohio Manufacturing Competency Model as key components to strengthening workforce development. 6/19/2024

June 21, 2024

The Ohio Manufacturing Competency Model was recently highlighted in a federal policy memo by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, highlighting the framework of incorporating knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSA’s) that enhance training and education programs, setting a common language and standard for manufacturing workforce development statewide.

The Ohio Manufacturing Competency Model is garnering national attention as a valuable resource for manufacturers and educators. Manufacturers are encouraged to engage with and endorse the model. 6/19/2024

June 21, 2024

A recent report from the WorkRise Network underscores the importance of aligning economic development with workforce development policies to enhance support for entry-level and low-wage workers.

The report suggests integrated strategies, like the Ohio Manufacturing Competency Model, that connect economic growth with improved job quality and broader access to opportunities for these workers, supporting both immediate and long-term workforce sustainability. 6/19/2024

June 17, 2024

The Ohio Legislature is currently considering Senate Bill 273, which would make childcare more affordable by splitting costs equally among families, employers, and the state. This program would ease the financial burden on families and significantly enhance workforce stability For manufacturers interested in strategies to support and advance women in their workforce, check out the OMA’s Untapped Talent Resource Library. 6/13/2024

June 17, 2024

The OMA participated in the Industry and Inclusion 2024 National Convening in Detroit last week. The Industry and Inclusion 3.0 initiative, spearheaded by The Century Foundation and the Urban Manufacturing Alliance, focuses on practical strategies to tackle ongoing workforce challenges by engaging untapped talent pools. The OMA shared how current initiatives are helping manufacturers enhance their workforce development strategies for attracting and retaining untapped talent, underscoring a robust response to industry needs, and illustrating long-term career advancement opportunities for jobseekers. 6/13/2024

June 17, 2024

The June Urban Manufacturing Alliance (UMA) Conference, “Co-Creating the Conditions for an Inclusive Workforce”, took place in Detroit, Michigan, last week, focusing on engaging employers in effective workforce strategies. OMA Senior Director of Workforce Services, Beth Hahn, was invited to share best practices coming out of Ohio’s proactive approach to workforce development, including the ISP Network strategy, the Ohio Manufacturing Competency Model, and the OMA’s Untapped Talent Training Series initiative. 6/13/2024

June 17, 2024

The Ohio House this week passed House Bill 432, which would greatly expand the ability of individuals to qualify for a career-technical license issued by the State Board of Education. Under current law, the superintendent of a school district that has agreed to employ an applicant must make a request to the State Board in order to begin the process of licensure issuance. Under the bill, the applicant may apply for a license without obtaining an offer of employment. The OMA previously testified in support of the bill, and will continue to monitor its progress through the legislature. 6/12/2024

June 7, 2024

Intel’s plans for its Ohio facility aim to position it as a central hub for artificial intelligence-driven semiconductor production creating numerous high-skill job opportunities in Ohio. Manufacturers and industry leaders in Ohio can gain insights into what the future Ohio site holds by viewing this video from Intel’s Oregon facility, which showcases the advanced technologies and operational scale planned for Ohio. 6/6/2024

June 7, 2024

As Ohio manufacturers face ongoing workforce challenges, hiring justice-impacted individuals presents a proven, viable solution for helping to fill these gaps. This article highlights how industry, education, and community-based organizations (CBOs) can work together to help manufacturers more successfully integrate this demographic into their workforce. To further explore this opportunity, the Ohio Manufacturers’ Association will host a webinar on June 20th featuring subject-matter experts from Envoy and Ohio Penal Industries (OPI). 6/6/2024

May 30, 2024

A recent U.S. Chamber of Commerce report highlights the severe labor shortages affecting several critical industries across the US. Manufacturing, among the hardest hit, faces significant challenges in meeting production demands due to the shortfall in skilled labor. This report shows that the issue is compounded by aging workforce demographics and the rapid evolution of technological requirements. For a detailed analysis of how this labor shortage impacts Ohio and other states, and to identify potential strategies for addressing these challenges, access the state-by-state breakdown. 5/30/2024

May 30, 2024

The CHIPS and Science Act is set to catalyze further advancements in U.S. manufacturing, with a significant push towards increasing domestic production capacities and job creation. According to a recent Area Development article, the act’s implementation is not only about boosting production but also about enhancing workforce skills and supply chain security. Be sure to opt into the OMA’s Workforce Community and check out upcoming learning events such as webinars and training sessions. 5/22/2024

May 23, 2024

On Tuesday, the OMA was invited to attend the graduation of Voyant employees from an English as a Second Language (ESL) course, an initiative supported by the Department of Development’s MEP at Columbus State and the Columbus Literacy Council. This program exemplifies efforts to reduce language barriers, enhancing both the application process and career advancement opportunities. 10 employees gained promotions post-graduation. Voyant’s workforce is comprised of over 70% untapped talent populations. Manufacturers interested in enhancing their workforce initiatives through programs like these are encouraged to connect with their local ISP and/or MEP. 5/22/2024

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