September 9, 2016, Volume 5, Issue 130


Update: Minutes before the hearing was scheduled to begin, Staff requested a continuance for the purpose of exploring settlement with the parties. Globe concurred. OMAEG and OCC objected to the last-minute request, explaining that they were prepared to move forward in their opposition to Globe’s request for a fourth reasonable arrangement. The attorney examiners decided that it was appropriate to allow additional time for Globe to pursue settlement with Staff and the parties. During settlement discussions, OMAEG noted its concerns with Globe’s application and identified a few features that Globe should consider incorporating into any settlement proposal. Among other things, OMAEG reiterated its view that Globe’s application will raise customers’ costs and requested that Globe agree to not file additional reasonable arrangement requests in the future. Parties await a proposal from Globe to settle the case. The PUCO did not schedule a new hearing date.
