Update: The PUCO adopted a stipulation signed by Nature Fresh Farms (NFF) and Staff that approved NFF’s request for a reasonable arrangement. As approved, NFF will be exempt from the Rate GT provision of Toledo Edison’s economic development rider until the latter of May 31, 2019 or when Toledo Edison’s electric security plan expires. The PUCO ruled that the stipulation met the three-part test for reasonableness. Specifically, the PUCO found that the stipulation was the product of serious bargaining between Staff and NFF, the stipulation will benefit ratepayers and the public interest by facilitating capital investment and job creation that will positively impact Ohio’s economy, and the stipulation did not violate any important regulatory principle or practice. OMAEG agreed to not oppose the stipulation because the reasonable arrangement will create no delta revenue and no additional costs to customers.
September 30, 2016, Volume 5, Issue 143