September 30, 2016, Volume 5, Issue 142


Update: OMAEG urged the PUCO to deny FirstEnergy’s motion to strike certain portions of OMAEG witness John Seryak’s pre-filed testimony. Mr. Seryak submitted testimony explaining that FirstEnergy’s $25 million after-tax shared savings proposal and request to charge customers for actions that occur outside of utility-administered programs are too expensive and do not incent good utility behavior. FirstEnergy moved to strike Mr. Seryak’s testimony on these topics, mistakenly alleging that the PUCO already decided them in the ESP IV proceeding. However, OMAEG explained that the PUCO did not decide these topics in the ESP IV proceeding; instead, it merely approved the ability of FirstEnergy to seek approval of these topics in a separate proceeding. Additionally, OMAEG urged the PUCO to preserve Mr. Seryak’s testimony because it provides valuable information on whether the EE/PDR Plan is just and reasonable.
