September 26, 2014, Volume 3, Issue 216


Update:  On September 24, 2014, FirstEnergy filed an application for approval of its amended energy efficiency and peak demand reduction plans for 2015 through 2016.  The amended plan will continue a subset of programs in the existing plan that the Commission has previously approved or, in one case, is pending approval in a separate docket, implement a new program authorized by S.B. 310, and suspend several programs in the existing plan.

FirstEnergy plans to continue the following programs:  (1) the Low-Income Program authorized by the Commission in FirstEnergy’s ESP III Order; (2) the Mercantile Customer Program, for customers requesting an exemption or a commitment payment; (3) the T&D Improvements Program; (4) the Residential Direct Load Control Program; (5) the Demand Reduction Program; (6) the PJM Revenue Sharing Pilot Program; and (7) the Smart Grid Modernization Initiative.  FirstEnergy will also implement a Customer Action Program and, if approved, an Experimental Company Owned LED Lighting Program during the term of the amended plan.  All other programs in the existing plan will be suspended if not listed above.
