September 26, 2014, Volume 3, Issue 215


Update:  On September 22, 2014, FirstEnergy filed a memorandum contra the joint motion of OMA Energy Group, Sierra Club, Ohio Hospital Association, OCC, Direct Energy Services, LLC, Interstate Gas Supply, Inc., OPAE, and Kroger to modify discovery time limits and amend the procedural schedule, arguing, among other things, that there is no need to expedite discovery in the proceeding, that the current due date for intervenor testimony does not create a hardship for intervenors, that the current procedural schedule provides ample time for settlement discussions, and that extending the date for the commencement of the hearing will run up against the 275-day statutory deadline and undermine FirstEnergy’s ability to participate in the May 2015 PJM Base Residual Auction.

Further, on September 24, 2014, The Consumer Protection Association, The Cleveland Housing Network, and the Council for Economic Opportunities in Greater Cleveland filed a motion to intervene in the proceeding.
