October 26, 2012, Volume 1, Issue 105


Update:  This week, the attorney examiner issued an entry setting a prehearing conference for November 9, 2012, at 10:00a.m. at the PUCO in order for parties to discuss the procedural schedule in this case, and a technical conference will immediately follow to discuss the details of DP&L’s new ESP proposal.  As you are likely aware, the procedural schedule is this case has been an issue since the beginning.  From DP&L’s first proposed procedural schedule which was filed prior to the ESP plan being filed, to its newly aggressive schedule.  The OMAEG should maintain its position, along with the joint intervenors, that a reasonable procedural schedule will require that this case be extended into next year in order to provide parties sufficient time to adequately prepare and thoroughly analyze DP&L’s proposal.  Further, the OMAEG should maintain its position that the rate stabilization charge should expire on December 31, 2012 as currently scheduled, regardless of whether or not the PUCO issues a decision by the end of this year.  We will continue to monitor this case and provide updates accordingly.
