October 24, 2014, Volume 3, Issue 240


Update:  On October 17, 2014, OCC, the City of Miamisburg, and IEU-Ohio filed applications for rehearing of the Commission’s previously-issued opinion and order.  The aforementioned parties argued that the Commission’s order was unreasonable and unlawful in the following respects:  (1) granting DP&L’s request that a hearing be waived when there were unresolved issues creating potential harm to customers; (2) allowing DP&L to defer costs associated with selling or transferring generation assets, violating state policy and Commission precedent; (3) allowing DP&L to maintain an equity ratio of less than 50 percent through January 1, 2018 and potentially beyond; and (4) granting DP&L the right to defer transaction costs and maintain an equity ratio of less than 50 percent without setting forth the reasons for its decisions.

DP&L also filed an application for rehearing of the Commission’s decision on October 17, 2014, asking for a clarification of what appears to be a typographical error in the Commission’s decision.
