Update: The evidentiary hearing on FirstEnergy’s electric security plan (ESP) application and stipulations continued this week, with FirstEnergy witnesses continuing to testify on the economic impact of the plants, the costs of potential transmission upgrades, and the mechanics of Rider RRS, which is proposed to collect the costs or return the benefits associated with the proposed PPA. FirstEnergy witnesses also testified on the environmental compliance measures installed at or planned for the plants and whether FirstEnergy’s proposed ESP is more favorable in the aggregate than a market rate offer would be. Two intervenor witnesses, Nucor Steel and Ohio Energy Group (OEG), testified in support of the application and stipulations. The testimony focused on discounted rates or credits provided to certain customers. Witnesses testifying on behalf of Wal-Mart, City of Cleveland, and the OCC opposed the application, the PPA concept, Rider RRS, and other provisions of the proposed ESP. Next week, 17 other intervenor witnesses are scheduled to testify in opposition to FirstEnergy’s application and stipulations. OMA witnesses Hill and Seryak will testify on Wednesday. Additionally, PJM’s independent market monitor will testify on Tuesday. Other opposing witnesses will testify on behalf of OCC, retail and wholesale generation suppliers, Sierra Club and a low-income group.