Update: AEP-Ohio presented supplemental testimony by Selwyn Dias and Philip Nelson. Mr. Dias’ testimony provided that the Retail Stability Rider (“RSR”) allows AEP-Ohio to satisfy Ohio policy objectives, while financially protecting the company during the transition period to market-based SSO pricing. Mr. Dias further specified that the RSR creates the ability to: 1) freeze non-fuel generation rates; provide highly discounted capacity pricing to CRES providers to encourage Ohio shopping; 3) meet its PJM FRR and interconnection agreement (pool) obligations; and, 4) move to auction-based SSO pricing faster than required by law. Mr. Nelson’s Commission-ordered testimony provided an estimated total revenue requirement for the Turning Point Solar Project (“TPS Project”) over its expected life, and key assumptions used to develop the cost estimate. According to his calculations, the majority of the costs for the TPS Project include capital costs, as well as the lease payment between AEP-Ohio and TPS Generation, operating and maintenance expenses, property taxes, and costs related to additional capital investments.
Also in this case, the attorney examiner amended the procedural schedule. The purpose of amending the procedural schedule is because the evidentiary hearing in the capacity charge case was extended until May 15, 2012, and many of the attorneys in that case are also representing parties in AEP-Ohio’s ESP proceeding. Therefore, the amended schedule is a follows: discovery requests, except for deposition notices, should be served by May 14, 2012; intervener testimony is due by May 4, 2012, and Staff testimony is due by May 9, 2012; a procedural conference is set for May 7, 2012, at 10:00 a.m. at the Commission; motions to strike intervener testimony must be filed by May 11, 2012, and memorandum contra must be filed by May 16, 2012; motions to strike Staff testimony must be filed by May 16, 2012, and memorandum contra must be filed by May 21, 2012; and the evidentiary hearing will take place from May 14, 2012, at 10:00 a.m. at the Commission and continue until May 17, 2012. Finally, parties attending the prehearing conference must be prepared to identify any witnesses that will testify at the evidentiary hearing, subject matter of any testimony, and dates that the witnesses will be unavailable to testify, at least through June 8, 2012.