May 24, 2013, Volume 2, Issue 65


Update:  On May 21, 2013, a technical conference was held on DP&L’s EE/PDR Portfolio Plan where DP& L discussed a proposed stipulation.  Most of the discussion surrounded DP&L’s request for a shared saving arrangement.  Ohio Partners for Affordable Energy, the Environmental Law & Policy Center, and the Ohio Environmental Council objected to the proposed 75%/25% split and advocated for a 87%/13% split instead (with 87% going back to the consumer and 13% going back to DP&L).  The Ohio Consumer’s Counsel and Sierra Club just expressed general concerns and promised to get written comments to DP&L in the near future.

The Environmental Law & Policy Center and OCC also advocated for some kind of combined heat and power (“CHP”) provision or pilot program in the stipulation.  OMA Counsel and Go Sustainable Energy are exploring the possibility of proposing a pilot project along these lines for this case.  No additional technical conferences are scheduled at this time.  On May 22, 2014, a motion to Intervene was filed on behalf of the OMA EG.
