March 28, 2014, Volume 3, Issue 82


Update:  OMAEG, Ohio Consumers’ Counsel, and Staff filed comments on Duke’s Application on March 24, 2014.  OMAEG commented on the disparate impact of rate increases between residential and non-residential customers.  The proposed Rider AMRP charge associated with non-residential for certain classes increases to $21.32 per month, which represents an increase of more than 100 percent for the applicable non-residential rate classes.  The greatest overall increase faced by residential customers due to the proposed Rider AMRP charge is 5.7% (Rate RFT at 1 mcf usage), while the greatest overall increase faced by non-residential is 18.1% (Rate FT-S at 10 mcf usage).  The percentage difference demonstrated by this comparison shows that the greatest percentage increase for non-residential rate classes is three times as significant as the greatest percentage increase for residential rate classes.

This matter is set for hearing on April 2, 2014. Duke has been in contact with the intervening parties in an attempt to enter into a stipulation before hearing commences.
