June 2, 2017, Volume 6, Issue 55


Update: AEP filed revised tariffs to update its Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) Rider that the Commission approved to recover OVEC costs. All commercial customers will see a decrease in their PPA Rider Rate. Unless Staff raises an issue prior to the billing cycle, the new rates will be effective with the first billing cycle of July, 2017. The proposed decreases in rates are as follows:


PPA Rider
Schedule (Old Rate) ¢/kWh (New Rate) ¢/kWh
Non Demand Metered

GS-2 Recreational Lighting, GS-TOD, GS-2-TOD, and GS-2-ES, GS-3-ES, EHS, SS

0.14592 0.11443
Demand Metered Secondary

GS-2, GS-3, EHG

0.16557 0.12189
Demand Metered Primary

GS-2, GS-3, GS-4

0.13845 0.10320
Demand Metered Subtransmission/Transmission

GS-2, GS-3, GS-4

0.11317 0.08378