June 17, 2016, Volume 5, Issue 85


Update: Duke filed its proposed energy efficiency and peak demand reduction program portfolio plan for 2017-2019 (EE/PDR Plan).  Duke remarks that the development of its EE/PDR plan was made in conjunction with EE/PDR Collaborative stakeholders. The proposed shared savings mechanism would allow Duke to earn an incentive if it meets or exceeds its benchmarks. A new non-residential program is being proposed called Power Manager for Business, which is designed to provide business customers with the opportunity to participate in demand response, earn incentives, and realize optional energy efficiency benefits.  Unless the PUCO provides otherwise, objections to the EE/PDR Plan are due in August.

Duke had asked to file the market potential study portion of its EE/PDR Plan by October 15, 2016.  OMA opposed this request and urged the PUCO to require Duke to file a complete EE/PDR Plan by June 15, 2016. In response to OMA’s opposition to Duke’s request, the PUCO directed Duke to file the market potential study by August 15, 2016 and to integrate it into the EE/PDR Plan.

