Update: On June 8, 2015, FirstEnergy and Duke Energy Ohio (Duke) filed interlocutory appeals of the attorney examiner’s June 2, 2015 oral order directing Duke to turn certain forecasts previously submitted in Commission proceedings by witness Rose (who is testifying for FirstEnergy in the ESP proceeding) over to IGS, as the information may reflect on the witness’s credibility.
On the same day, OMA Energy Group, the Retail Energy Supply Association, PJM Power Providers, Electric Power Supply Association, OCC, Ohio Partners for Affordable Energy, and the Northeast Ohio Public Energy Council (NOPEC) filed a joint motion to amend the procedural schedule in order to extend the hearing date and other various dates for ten days so that the intervenors may explore the implications of the experimental time of use rate detailed in the second supplemental stipulation filed by FirstEnergy and the other signatory parties on June 4, 2015. The requests set forth in the joint motion, if granted, would result in the evidentiary hearing commencing on August 6, 2015. On June 10, 2015, FirstEnergy filed a memorandum contra the joint motion to amend the procedural schedule.