July 12, 2013, Volume 2, Issue 90


Update:  On July 5, 2013, OMAEG counsel filed a motion to intervene in this proceeding.  Also filing in opposition to Ormet’s request was IEU-Ohio, OCC, and OHA.  Of particular interest is the fact that AEP-Ohio also filed a memorandum opposing Ormet’s request because, among other reasons, AEP-Ohio does not want Ormet to shop for competitive generation service prior to the date agreed upon pursuant to the existing unique arrangement.  On July 8, 2013, Ormet filed a motion requesting authority to file a reply to the motions, objections, and comments for the purpose of further supporting its request.  On July 11, 2013, the attorney examiner issued an entry denying Ormet’s request for emergency relief and established a procedural schedule in order to determine whether Ormet’s request is just and reasonable.  Accordingly, the procedural schedule is as follows:

Ormet Testimony Due August 6, 2013
AEP-Ohio/Intervenor Testimony Due August 16, 2013
Evidentiary Hearing Commences August 27, 2013

Counsel recommends participating in the proceeding and possibly filing a post hearing brief recommending that there needs to be a transparent process and economic evaluation to support the special treatment that Ormet requests, in the event that the hearing process does not do so.  Counsel will continue to monitor this case and will alert OMAEG members of any developments.
