Update: The PUCO granted Globe’s latest request to extend its current reasonable arrangement by an additional three months. The extension will not increase the delta revenue cap; rather, delta revenue resulting from the extension will count towards the existing $4 million cap. Globe filed the motion to continue its current reasonable arrangement while the PUCO considers Globe’s pending application for a new, five-year reasonable arrangement. OMA Energy Group intervened and filed comments in opposition to the new, five-year reasonable arrangement request, asserting that there is a disparity between the benefits sought by Globe and the commitments Globe promises to undertake. The parties are undergoing settlement discussions.
OMA Energy Group met recently with Staff to discuss implementing a framework for evaluating future reasonable arrangement requests. Factors under consideration include: a demonstration that an applicant will take steps to eliminate the need for future reasonable arrangements; a showing that the applicant has taken measures to reduce its electricity costs; and disclosure of any type of financial or economic development assistance that the applicant has received from local, state, or federal entities in the past five years.