December 2, 2016, Volume 5, Issue 168


Update:  On December 1, 2016, DP&L provided supplemental information to the Federal Regulatory Commission (FERC) related to its August 5, 2016 application requesting approval of a transfer of generation assets owned by DP&L to its affiliate, AES Ohio.  In responding to questions from FERC, DP&L submitted the following information: DP&L has no captive wholesale or retail customers; DP&L is subject to a number of customer protection restrictions as established by the PUCO; DP&L is only transferring generation facilities to AES Ohio; and there exists no cross-subsidization in the proposed transaction between DP&L and AES Ohio.  Additionally, DP&L noted that the closing date for the transaction date will likely be later than the initially requested date of January 1, 2017.

