December 2, 2016, Volume 5, Issue 166


Update: On November 23, 2016, AEP Ohio filed an application to extend and modify its ESP III.  Specifically, in its application, AEP Ohio seeks to extend its ESP III to 2024 (a five-year extension) and introduces a new Distribution Technology Rider.  AEP Ohio once again seeks to modify the PPA Rider associated with its contractual entitlement to OVEC and now seeks to use the OVEC entitlement as a load-serving generation supply for the SSO and to recover its costs through bypassable SSO rates, that will be phased-in to customers beginning as early as June 1, 2017.  OMAEG intervened in this case and a technical conference for intervening parties to better understand AEP Ohio’s proposal is scheduled for December 14, 2016.
