The Bureau of Workers’ Compensation (BWC) expects to begin processing employer workers’ compensation premium rebates on June 27 for the policy year July 1, 2016 – June 30, 2017. The measure will have a final vote by the BWC board at its May 24 meeting. The rebate will equal 85% of the annual premium paid in the 2016/17 policy year. If approved, the BWC expects to mail checks by the end of July. However, group retrospective rated employers will use individual experience rated premium net of impact of their 12-month premium calculation and will receive their rebate checks in mid-October. You’ll want to make sure you’re eligible to receive your share by paying any lapsed premium amounts and completing any outstanding true-up before June 8, 2018. Also review your demographic information held by the BWC to ensure your rebate check is mailed to the correct address. OMA’s Brian Jackson can answer your questions. 5/15/2018
When is Your Billion Back Check Coming?