TMDL on the Horizon for Lake Erie


Last week, Ohio EPA released its draft “2020 Integrated Water Quality Monitoring and Assessment Report,” which is available for comment until March 13, 2020. This report is noteworthy because for the first time Ohio is identifying Lake Erie’s western basin as an “impaired” water. Due to this declaration, Ohio EPA is now committed to prepare a total maximum daily load (TMDL) analysis. Learn more here. The OMA will be reviewing the report and preparing comments for members. The new TMDL has the potential to impact many manufacturers with operations in Northwest Ohio. Ohio EPA will present information about the draft impaired waters list during the agency’s 2 p.m. webinar on Monday, March 2. The webinar can be viewed at Ohio EPA’s central office (50 West Town Street, Suite 700, in Columbus) or online. 2/20/2020
