PUCO Launches “PowerForward”


Public Utilities Commission of Ohio (PUCO) chairman Asim Haque has launched a new, and welcome, initiative termed “PowerForward.” The agency announced: “PowerForward is the PUCO’s review of the latest in technological and regulatory innovation that could serve to enhance the consumer electricity experience. Through this series, we intend to chart a clear path forward for future grid modernization projects, innovative regulations and forward-thinking policies. “Our hope is that the expertise of many stakeholders can help us better frame the grid of the future. We want to know what technologies or changes are needed, so that innovative regulations and forward-thinking policies can be developed.” The initiative begins on April 18, 19 and 20 with a three-day “A Glimpse of the Future” series that will feature presentations examining technologies affecting a modern distribution grid; what the future grid could offer consumers; and what technologies are in development to realize such enhancements. Ohio has been mired for years in a debate about old generating plants. This initiative gives the state an opportunity to have a conversation about developing and investing in new, innovative technologies. The chairman has invited Ohio manufacturers to participate with their own stories and thoughts about new, or emerging, technologies. Contact OMA’s Ryan Augsburger, if you’d like to participate.  3/14/2017
