The U.S. EPA has proposed rules to cut emissions from power plants and industrial sources in an effort to reduce ground-level ozone (smog). But the cost of the new rules are estimated to be around $1.1 billion by 2026 — and that could harm U.S. manufacturing and the economy, the National Association of Manufacturers says. The agency’s “Good Neighbor Plan” would expand ozone NOx controls to industrial sources (based predominately upon the EPA’s RACT program) in 23 states, including Ohio. The EPA is proposing standards for new and existing emissions units connected to the transportation of natural gas; cement and cement product manufacturing; iron and steel mills and ferroalloy manufacturing; glass and glass product manufacturing; chemical manufacturing; petroleum and coal products manufacturing; and pulp, paper, and paperboard mills. 3/14/2022
Proposed U.S. EPA Smog Rule Could Cost $1.1B