On October 25, 2016, Ohio EPA released draft amended rules for public comment related to changes to Ohio’s startup, shutdown or malfunction and scheduled maintenance rules as they pertain to air pollution control equipment. The amendments were being made in response to a U.S. EPA call for modifications to the rules on June 12, 2015 in 80 FR 33840. The OMA submitted two sets of comments (here and here) in response to the interested party rules package. Ohio EPA is providing the OMA with an additional opportunity to review the changes based on the comments received. Several new amendments were drafted responding to the comments, along with a new amended business impact analysis and a response to comments document for the amended draft rules. Please let OMA’s Rob Brundrett know if you would like to file additional comments after reviewing the latest changes. The deadline for filing new comments is October 4, 2017. All comments should be sent electronically to EPA’s Paul Braun. 9/20/2017
Opportunity to Comment on Startup, Shutdown, Malfunction Amendments