This week the OMA testified in support of Senator Randy Gardner’s and Rep. Steve Arndt’s bipartisan Clean Lake 2020 bills. The companion bills, Senate Bill 299 and House Bill 643, which propose funding resources for Lake Erie water quality improvements, had their second hearings in the House and Senate Finance Committees. The OMA testified to both committees that the proposal is “a thoughtful funding approach to address Lake Erie water quality issues. The bill takes a prudent approach in providing funding resources that will improve the lake’s water quality. Ohio manufacturers rely heavily on the lake for a variety of business-supporting reasons and it is imperative that the lake be in the best possible condition to support the portions of Ohio’s economy that rely on it.” The bills are in stark contrast to Ohio EPA-sponsored bills that would put draconian limits on point source discharges. Join the OMA Environment Committee on May 31; Rep. Arndt will be speaking to members about his bill and the state’s phosphorus issues. 5/24/2018
OMA Testifies in Support of Lake Erie Water Improvement Funding Bills