OMA Supports Aligning Ohio Employment Discrimination Laws with Federal Laws


In written testimony this week to the House Economic Development, Commerce, and Labor Committee, OMA’s Rob Brundrett said: ” … Ohio is at a competitive disadvantage with employment discrimination laws that are significantly different than federal laws and the laws of many other states. These differences between the state and federal laws create an administrative burden for Ohio’s manufacturers and other Ohio employers. Bringing Ohio’s laws in line with their federal counterparts creates a more predictable and consistent system for employers and employees alike, and does not disrupt individuals’ avenues to assert discrimination violations. “In the critical areas of statute of limitations, dual actions, individual supervisor liability, damages, affirmative defenses, and age discrimination, the bill improves Ohio’s laws. We agree with other proponents that the bill encourages predictability, stability, and administrative efficiency, not only for Ohio manufacturers but also in terms of use of the state’s resources. This legislation gives human resources professionals the first opportunity to resolve personnel complaints and rectify detrimental workplace behavior before it results in costly litigation.” The bill had its second hearing this week.  2/23/2017 
