This week the OMA submitted comments to Ohio EPA on its Proposed Draft Hazardous Waste Laundered Textile Exclusion Rule 3745-51-06. In its comments OMA suggested that instead of creating and implementing an entirely new regulatory scheme for textile exclusion, Ohio EPA should adopt the approach taken by Indiana, which has proven to be highly successful, straightforward in implementation and environmentally-friendly. The Indiana Department of Environmental Management (IDEM) does not regulate “contaminated” (i.e., soiled) clothing sent for cleaning and reuse as a “solid waste,” therefore, laundered and reused clothing is not subject to certain regulation. If Ohio EPA proceeds with the proposed rule, OMA will argue to minimize the conditions placed on the generators of such textiles. The current rule draft is too burdensome for many of the intended beneficiaries to take advantage of the intended exclusion. 2/15/2018
OMA Submits Comments on Proposed Textile Exclusion Rule