OMA Launches Manufacturers Marketplace


The OMA announces the launch of the Manufacturers Marketplace, a new and first-of-a-kind digital marketplace featuring interactive listings and detailed information on more than 300,000 leading U.S. manufacturers, including 15,690 in Ohio. “Created in collaboration with the National Association of Manufacturers (NAM), the Manufacturers Marketplace is a valuable tool for manufacturers in Ohio and the U.S.,” OMA president Eric Burkland said. “The Marketplace will quickly help companies find potential U.S. customers and suppliers. Manufacturing in Ohio has experienced dramatic growth since the Great Recession, and the Marketplace will continue to support that growth.” “Manufacturers in the U.S. need the best tools available to compete and win — and the Manufacturers Marketplace is unlike any resource the industry has to create new business and support more American jobs,” said Jay Timmons, president and CEO of the National Association of Manufacturers. “What Google and Yahoo did for online searches, Manufacturers Marketplace will do for buyers and seller in the manufacturing economy whether they’re large or small firms. As only the NAM and OMA can do, we’ve created the most comprehensive, simple to use and innovative industry network in the market.” The Manufacturers Marketplace works by including manufacturers of all sizes whether they are a member of the OMA or the NAM or other participating state manufacturers’ associations. As manufacturers access the Manufacturers Marketplace, they are prompted to search and then claim their listing. From there, registered users are prompted to expand their listings with detailed information, including additional locations, certifications, equipment, capacity and much more. As businesses add information to the listings, the Manufacturers Marketplace becomes an even more powerful tool — a tool that enables manufacturers of all sizes, sectors and points in the supply chain to find and be found, mitigate risk for their business and increase visibility among the largest pool of potential partners. Manufacturing members of the OMA qualify for the annual member price of $500, a $2,000 savings. Go to Manufacturers Marketplace and use the June discount code of 0617OHIO47HA. Sign up for the weekly Friday webinar demos to learn more. 6/19/2017
