OMA Helps Launch “MakerMinded” in Ohio


This week, the OMA helped launch in Ohio a new program, “MakerMinded,” designed to engage students in pathways to manufacturing careers. “The MakerMinded campaign helps impassion students about advanced manufacturing and provides them with transformational STEM learning experiences that set them on track towards advanced manufacturing careers,” states the launch release. “MakerMinded’s online platform will connect Ohio’s middle and high school students to over 150 leading-edge STEM and advanced manufacturing education experiences, while galvanizing participating students and schools around a student-driven, pro-manufacturing campaign and competition. The platform’s goal is to provide students access to the right programs that will encourage and prepare them for further education and careers in advanced manufacturing.” MakerMinded will be a terrific way for manufacturers to engage with schools and kids in fun and rewarding hands-on learning opportunities. 8/23/2017
