On April 19, Whirlpool Corporation’s Monica Brown, the company’s human resources regional director, testified before the House Finance Committee on behalf of the OMA in support of historic workforce development investments in the two-year state budget proposed by the DeWine-Husted administration. Read Brown’s testimony. Or watch her testimony at the 1:38:47 mark of this video. Earlier in the week, Ohio House leaders introduced their version of the budget. (See related stories.) The House plan would significantly reduce the governor’s funding level for career-tech construction projects, from $200 million to $100 million. Brown urged House lawmakers to restore the governor’s funding level for the career-tech construction program. She also urged representatives to establish the OMA-supported Smart Technologies Assistance Program (STAP) to create a new manufacturing equipment grant, and to preserve funding for the popular TechCred and industry sector partnership grants. 4/19/2023
OMA Goes to Bat for Workforce Investments