This week the OMA filed a detailed letter with the Ohio EPA to express concerns with the agency’s draft permit: General Permit Authorization for Storm Water Discharges Associated with Construction Activity Under the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES). The OMA wrote: “The proposed changes encompassed in the draft permit would fundamentally change how this permit currently operates … Moreover, the changes would create state requirements that are substantially different than the federal requirements. … The draft permit not only requires the protection of storm water quality during the construction phase of projects, but now also attempts to control engineering and site hydrology both during and after (into perpetuity) all construction, resulting in a substantially increased burden on permittees. Further explanation and clarity is needed with these changes, to allow permittees to understand Ohio EPA’s expectations and intent.” The OMA also filed joint comments with several other trade associations representing a multitude of impacted industries. OMA’s contact for this issue is Rob Brundrett. 4/3/2018
OMA Files Comment with Ohio EPA re. Storm Water Draft Permit