This week the OMA submitted comments regarding Ohio EPA’s Interested Party Review for Ohio Administrative Code (OAC) 3745-2-12, which covers procedures for developing Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs). The OMA asked that the rule be modified to specifically ensure trade associations could protect members’ interests by requesting public hearings on TMDLs. OMA wrote: “Under the proposed new OAC: 3745-2-12 (A)(3)(e), Ohio EPA shall provide a public hearing under certain enumerated circumstances, including if certain defined groups make the request. While the OMA appreciates the variety of groups allowed to make the request, we request that Ohio EPA specifically add “trade associations” to the list of groups eligible to be granted a hearing upon request. Under the rule as drafted, it is unclear whether the current terms would allow for the OMA or other like associations to be granted a public hearing upon submittal of a request to Ohio EPA.” 8/16/2018
OMA Asks for Specificity in Proposed TMDL Rule