Last week Ohio EPA gave notice that it is submitting the State Implementation Plan (SIP) for Ohio to the U.S. EPA regarding the 2015 Ozone Standard, and the agency is seeking public comment on the SIP. Seeking public comment will satisfy the U.S. EPA requirement for public involvement in SIP-related activities. Comments should address the requirements of Section 110(a)(2)(A) to Section 110(a)(2)(M) of the Clean Air Act (CAA). These sections document how the National Ambient Air Quality Standards are being implemented, maintained, and enforced by the State of Ohio. The elements of the SIP, once approved by U.S. EPA, will provide a federally enforceable written confirmation of how the State of Ohio will comply with the Section 110(a)(2) requirements of the CAA. Comments are due on or before September 18, 2018. Email Holly Kaloz, or mail her at Ohio EPA, DAPC, PO Box 1049 Columbus, OH 43215-1045. A public hearing on this Infrastructure SIP may be requested by emailing Holly Kaloz or calling (614) 644-3632 no later than September 18, 2018. If a public hearing is requested, a new notification will be published to identify the time and location of the public hearing. Please contact Rob Brundrett at the OMA with questions or comments. 8/23/2018
Ohio EPA Opens Comment Period on Ozone Plan