At 11 a.m. Monday, Jan. 3, Ohio EPA will hold an in-person and virtual public hearing regarding amended rules addressing Nitrogen Oxides Reasonable Available Control Technology (NOx RACT). Because the Cleveland and Cincinnati areas have failed to meet the ozone standard during the 2018-2020 monitoring seasons, Ohio EPA anticipates the areas will be reclassified as “moderate non-attainment” by the U.S. EPA in accordance with the Clean Air Act (CAA). This would trigger additional CAA requirements, including NOx RACT requirements. If participating virtually in this hearing, comments may be submitted electronically. To attend virtually, register here. Comments may be submitted verbally if participating in person. The hearing will be held at Ohio EPA, Suite 700, 50 W. Town Street in Columbus. Email Ohio EPA if you plan to attend in person. 12/21/2021
Ohio EPA Hearing Will Address NOx Rules