From OMA Connections Partner Bricker & Eckler: “Ohio is in for some turbulence as it enters the world of legalized cannabis. The state’s medical marijuana program was to be fully implemented by September 8, 2018. While much of the work of licensing growers, producers, dispensaries, and physicians has taken place, a number of glitches in the state’s screening processes have caused delays in getting product market-ready by this deadline. These delays present employers who have not taken certain steps to prepare for this change a brief reprieve. What can employers do now to ensure workplace safety as Ohio’s law is fully implemented?” Read these 10 recommendations for employers from OMA’s employment law attorney, Marie-Joëlle C. Khouzam, Partner, Bricker & Eckler, (614) 227-2311. 9/6/2018
Medical Marijuana is Here (sort of). Is your Company Ready?