McCloud Goes to Work to Sell BWC Budget


This week new Bureau of Workers’ Compensation (BWC) Administrator/CEO Stephanie McCloud testified in front of the House Insurance Committee in support of the BWC’s budget bill, House Bill 80. McCloud testified: “In comparison to our last budget, this budget reflects an 8.7% increase over the adjusted appropriations for fiscal years 2018 and 2019. This increase can largely be attributed to the 27th additional pay period in fiscal year 2020, the 2.75% increase in wages due to the last collective bargaining agreement and additional support for our Substance Use Recovery and Workplace Safety Program. The increase would support expanding the program to other counties and providing support staff to ensure the program is running efficiently and appropriately.” The bill, which is mainly an appropriations bill, will become a political football over the next several months as business and labor work to make changes to the agency that benefit their constituencies. 2/28/2019 BWC Administrator/CEO Stephanie McCloud was a special guest presenter at OMA’s Safety & Workers’ Compensation committee meeting this week. Shown with committee chairman, Larry Holmes, Vice President – Finance & Administration, Fort Recovery Industries, Inc.
