Lt. Gov. Husted Visits Manufacturing Facilities to Discuss Workforce Challenges


On April 25, Lt. Gov. Jon Husted toured Emerson in Sidney and RōBEX in Perrysburg on visits coordinated by the OMA. While inspecting Emerson’s compressor technology and manufacturing, and RōBEX’s automation expertise, Husted discussed the DeWine administration’s workforce priorities, including promoting STEM education and industry-recognized credentials. In his comments to the press, the lieutenant governor pointed out that the Toledo area leads the U.S. in robotic automation per capita. If you haven’t already, check out the OMA’s “Automation and Robotics Toolkit” that helps manufacturers (and regional leaders) boost their competitiveness. 4/27/2022 Pictured at Emerson’s Sidney facility are, from left, Lt. Gov. Jon Husted; state Rep. Susan Manchester (R-Waynesfield); Brent Schroeder, group president of HVACR technologies; Dave Conover, vice president of operations; Ryan Augsburger, OMA president; and Ann Runner, vice president of HR. (Photo: Sidney Daily News)
