Manufacturing Technology Inc., (MTI) announced it will develop North America’s largest linear friction welder, in terms of force capacity and tooling envelope, and deliver it to LIFT – Lightweight Innovations for Tomorrow – for use in lightweight metals research and development projects, based in Detroit. Poised to be the first of its kind of equipment in the U.S., the LF35-75 welder, currently under development and set for completion in spring of 2018, will be housed in LIFT’s Corktown manufacturing center. The machine will bring to the automotive industry the same linear friction welding technology used in aerospace to achieve lightweighting in blisks and integrally bladed rotors in aircraft engines. Read more from LIFT here. This particular machine won’t be up and running for about 18 months – due to the size and scope – but please contact LIFT with questions about technology or equipment. 12/13/2016
Linear Friction Welding for Automotive Sector