House Continues Consideration of Workforce Bill


House Bill 2, priority legislation that is aimed at enhancing and growing the state’s skilled workforce, has received a fresh coat of paint as the House Economic Development and Workforce Committee accepted a new substitute version of the bill. The main tenants of the HB 2 remain the same: $2.5 million in FY 2020 and FY 2021 for industry sector partnerships, and $15 million a year to reimburse employers for training current or prospective employees who receive an industry-recognized certificate. However, the new version of the bill adds complexity in some areas and vagueness in others. The OMA is supportive of the bill’s purpose, and last week provided proponent testimony at the Statehouse. The OMA will continue to work with House lawmakers and the administration to improve the bill so manufacturers can make effective use of the programs and funding. 5/30/2019
