Among recent energy-related developments the OMA is tracking are the following:
- Due to its energy resources, Ohio is an optimal location to develop the hydrogen industry, according to a new study commissioned by JobsOhio and the Stark Area Regional Transit Authority.
- The Public Utilities Commission of Ohio (PUCO) earlier this month concluded its energy efficiency workshops. It will continue to gather stakeholder comments on energy efficiency programs through May 23.
- U.S. crude oil inventories are 16% below this time last year, and about 16% below the five-year average for this time of year, federal data show.
- Federal data show China processed record amounts of crude oil in 2021 to meet rising domestic consumption of petroleum products.
The Energy Information Administration has released its forecast for summer fuel prices. Here’s a look at the latest average gasoline prices in all 50 states as the U.S. average is still well above $4 a gallon. 4/27/2022