Come Hear Congressman Renacci Discuss Federal Tax Reform


Congressman Jim Renacci (R-16th Congressional District) will discuss concepts for federal tax reform at the OMA Government Affairs Committee meeting on Wednesday, August 31. The meeting will be held at Eaton Corporation, 1000 Eaton Blvd., Cleveland, OH 44122 from 9:30 a.m. until 1:00 p.m.; includes lunch. Additional topics on the agenda include:

  • 2016 election updates
  • Ohio energy issues: 1) Utility proposals for unjustified subsidies; 2) Potential utility re-regulation legislation
  • Pending state legislation, including:
    • Unemployment compensation system reform
    • Elimination of tax on temporary employment services & employees
    • Preview of 2017 state budget concerns – will business tax increases be on the table?

Register here.
