Jim Wernecke, Director, BWC Special Investigations Department says it’s getting harder and harder for the criminally minded to rip off BWC and the State Insurance Fund and get away with it. Jim recently presented Special Investigations Department’s annual report for FY2018, which closed June 30, to the BWC board. He reported:
- We closed 1,622 fraud cases, 448 more than in 2017.
- We secured 101 convictions of claimants, employers and health care providers who defrauded our agency.
- For every dollar we spent on our efforts, we saved the state fund nearly five ($4.81), or $1.33 more than last year.
- We reduced our investigation time per case by 23 days on average, our lowest number on this measure since 2005.
- All told, we saved the state fund $60.1 million in 2018, a 44 percent jump over 2017’s numbers.
Read more here. 8/24/2018