The Bureau of Workers’ Compensation (BWC) has introduced a new program that is intended to help small employers lower their workers’ comp premiums and increase worker health and safety. Private employers can now sign up for the new Policy Activity Rebate (PAR) program. Under the program, employers earn credits for completing activities designed to improve workplace safety practices and encourage attentive management of their workers’ comp policies. Employers receive a 50% premium rebate, up to $2,000. To be eligible for the rebate, they must select from among 33 available activities and earn 11 credits during the policy year that begins July 1. Employers of any size can participate but must have an Experience Modifier of at least 1.0, a measurement of an employer’s risk compared to the average risk of like employers. (If you buy OMA workers’ comp services, you can look up your EM on the WCS dashboard.) Also, employers participating in any of these programs cannot participate in the PAR program: Group-experience rating; group-retrospective rating; individual-retrospective rating; claim cost deductible; 100-percent EM capping; and One Claim Program. According to Brian Jackson, Managing Director, OMA Workers’ Compensation Services, the PAR program could benefit small employers but generally will not outperform group programs. Contact him if you have questions about what’s best for your company. 6/5/2018
BWC Introduces New Small Employer Program for Savings and Safety